Wolf Creek ATA Local #3 Policy Statements

The policies of the Wolf Creek Local are based on the objects of the Alberta Teachers' Association.

The Objects of the Association are: 
(a) to advance and promote the cause of education in Alberta;
(b) to improve the teaching profession
a. by promoting and supporting recruitment and selection practices which ensure capable candidates for teacher education,
b. by promoting and supporting adequate programs of pre-service preparation, internship and certification,
c. by promoting the establishment of working conditions that will make possible the best level of professional service,
d. by organizing and supporting groups which tend to improve the knowledge and skill of teachers,
e. by meetings, publications, research and other activities designed to maintain and improve the competence of teachers, and
f. by advising, assisting, protecting and disciplining members in the discharge of their professional duties and relationships;
(c) to arouse and increase public interest in the importance of education and public knowledge of the aims of education, financial support for education, and other matters
(d) to co-operate with other organizations and bodies in Canada and elsewhere having the same or like aims and objects.

1. Governance
The following policies shall remain in effect from year to year unless replaced, altered, cancelled, or added to by a majority of those voting at a properly called general meeting and or local council meeting. Further, it is understood that local council, acting on behalf of the teaching body, may take action as it sees fit provided that this action is:
1.1 not contrary to the by-laws of the Association,
1.2 not contrary to the aforementioned policy,
1.3 not contrary to a motion passed at a general meeting.

2. Meetings
2.1 General meetings shall be held in Ponoka or Lacombe.
2.2 The first general meeting for each school year shall take place within a month of, and following, the September local council meeting; another for the purpose of elections prior to May 1.
2.3 General meetings for the purposes of bargaining shall be called by the president at the request of the chair of the TWC, a majority of voting members on the TWC, a majority of the TWC executive, the Representative of the Bargaining Agent (RBA), the chair of the NSC, fifty (50) or more teachers representing at least ten (10) percent of the membership.
2.4 Local council shall meet typically on the last Monday of the month. Meetings of the Council of School Representatives (CSR) shall be held online during the months of November, December, January, February, and March.
2.5 Local executive will prepare and maintain an annual calendar of events and meetings that is shared with all committee chairs and their members.
2.6 The agenda shall be communicated to each of the school representatives by the secretary at least seven (7) days before a meeting is to be held, unless said meeting is of an emergent nature.
2.7 The minutes shall be communicated to each of the school representatives by the secretary at least seven (7) days before the next local council meeting is to be held, unless said meeting is of an emergent nature.
2.8 A quorum shall consist of those members in attendance at the meeting and any decisions made will be based upon the majority of the vote of those members present, unless otherwise stated in the committee’s frame of reference.
2.9 Committee meetings will be set by the committee chair and added to the annual calendar, with the first meeting being prior to November 1.
2.10 A record shall be kept of all those attending a general, local council, executive and committee meeting. This record shall be published in the minutes of the meeting.
2.11 Rules of Procedure (See ATA Members' Handbook)
2.12 Any Wolf Creek Teachers’ Local #3 meetings that are scheduled to occur on dates when all Wolf Creek Public Schools buses are subsequently NOT running in the afternoon (or are sent home early) are automatically cancelled, or postponed, to a later date.

3. Expenditures
3.1 All bills shall be paid within 30 days upon receipt of an authorized claim.
3.2 Members attending to local business (including but not limited to attending local council meetings, sub-committee meetings and similar activities) shall be reimbursed for childcare expenses under the following conditions:
an hourly maximum commensurate with the current "going rate".
Receipts provided to local treasurer
Not payable if a member of the child’s household provided the childcare
Attendance at a local regularly scheduled general meeting is not included.
3.3 The annual audit of the financial records of the local association shall be made by an accountant at the going rate.
3.4 A budget shall be prepared by the local council executive and presented at the first local council meeting of the year as well as at the first general meeting.
3.5 A five-hundred-dollar ($500) contribution to the Education Trust Fund shall be made annually and presented at ARA.
3.6 A reserve that consists of at least two local rebates shall be maintained.
3.7 ARA representatives shall receive a per diem set at 1/200th grid 4 years of University Education with 0 years teaching experience as honoraria for attending ARA.  ARA representatives will also be reimbursed for expenses incurred at ARA. The same formula will be used in the event that ARA members are required to attend an ERA (Emergent Representative Assembly). 
3.8 A monthly supplementary levy of twelve dollars ($12) per full and part time teacher is in effect until changed by a general meeting of the local and approved by Provincial Executive Council.
3.9 As ordinary policy, this local does not make donations to charitable organizations.
3.10 In the event of the death of a Wolf Creek teacher, the local shall gift a one-time amount (equivalent to the full-time active membership fee for that year) to the family of the deceased member. In addition, the local executive will procure a memorial in that teacher’s name to be donated to the school/site of the deceased teacher.(fee is $1347 for 2020/2021 school year)
3.11 The local shall make available release time to officials of the local for the purpose of carrying out local business.
3.12 Funding shall be provided for expenses incurred for a member to attend board of education meetings on behalf of the local. A report shall be made to local council.
3.13 Expenses for traveling will be paid once a year, on or before the last local council meeting, at the current rate set by the Provincial Association. Members’ traveling expenses are to be reimbursed at a rate that matches September of the school year current CRA Automobile Allowance rates when doing/on Local Association business.
3.14 Expenses for meals shall be reimbursed at a rate that matches current Canada Revenue Agency Policy in regards specifically to meal per diems and further detailed at https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/travel-directive.html#a315 
Effective January 1st, 2021 any online meetings in service of the local will have a flat rate of $40 for supper.
3.15 The local will reimburse the board for the release of local executive members to conduct Association business in accordance with our collective agreement. 

4. Honoraria
The local association shall pay annual honoraria in the following amounts. All amounts, other than the President, are based on a percentage of the base administrative allowance in the Wolf Creek Collective Agreement clause 6.1 (a) as of September 1, of the local operating year.
4.1 The honorarium for the President will vary depending on the amount of release time taken; concurring to the following.
FTE Honorarium
0 – 0.1 $10,000 
0.11 – 0.15 $7,500
0.16 – 0.20 $5,000
0.21 – 0.25 $2,500
4.2 The honorarium for the other members of the executive shall be as follows:
Treasurer 15% of base allowance
Vice-President, Secretary, Past President, Communication Officer C.O., Negotiating Sub Committee, Teacher Welfare Committee, Professional Development, Public Education and Wellness, Political Involvement, Substitute Teacher, Diversity Equity and Human Rights, and Women in Leadership committee chairpersons 7.5% of base allowance 

5. Scholarships
5.1 Each high school, including outreach schools, within the Wolf Creek School Division No. 72 shall receive $500.00 from the local ATA for the "Local ATA Award".
5.2 Each school shall determine the criteria to be used in the selection of deserving student(s). Priority shall be given to students pursuing a post-secondary career in education related fields.

6. Committee Reports and Finances
6.1 All committees shall submit an annual written report to local council which summarizes the activities for the year, reports on the disbursement of funds used to carry out their yearly activities, and makes program and budget recommendations for the following year.
6.2 These reports shall be presented at the last local council meeting of the year.
6.3 All local committees shall be funded annually by the local

7. Committees
7.1 Teacher Welfare Committee (TWC)
7.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this committee is to improve the economic welfare and working conditions of the membership of the Wolf Creek Local No. 3.

7.1.2 Membership
The Teacher Welfare Committee Chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive. The TWC shall consist of up to nine (9) members of the bargaining unit, plus one (1) member of the bargaining unit who holds an administrative position in a school, plus one (1) member who works as a replacement teacher in the division, all elected by the bargaining unit pursuant to this policy. They all shall be the voting members of the TWC. The TWC shall consist of non-voting members including the district representative, staff officers and consultants assigned from time to time to the TWC by The Alberta Teachers' Association and the president of the local or designate acting in an ex-officio capacity. All TWC members, officers and committees are to be elected for the longer of two (2) years or for the term necessary to plan and execute business related to a given collective agreement. If an TWC vacancy occurs between annual elections, a new member shall be elected or appointed by local council for the interim period.

7.1.3 Meetings The members of the TWC shall meet a minimum of eight (8) times per year to fulfil the objectives of this committee. Notice of meetings shall be published in the annual calendar Quorum: A majority of the voting representatives on the TWC shall constitute a quorum. Rules of Procedure: The proceedings of all meetings shall be regulated by the official rules of procedure as published in the ATA Members' Handbook, except that the chair shall have full rights to debate and vote as accorded to all other members.

7.1.4 Objectives
The objectives of the TWC shall be to endeavor to: identify and interpret the economic and working conditions needs of teachers, effect changes to the collective agreement as negotiated and ratified by the teachers, select the negotiating subcommittee (NSC) and establish operational guidelines for its effective operation, keep teachers of the bargaining unit informed on matters pertaining to the progress of negotiations and the specific details of the collective agreement, consult with Teacher Welfare staff officers, district representative, consultants (as assigned) and members of the bargaining unit before, during, and after negotiations, identify areas of concern for teachers and to provide the necessary assistance and direction in enforcing the provisions of the collective agreement, generally, exercise leadership in all matters pertaining to collective bargaining, refer the dispute to a representative of the bargaining agent (RBA) following appropriate consultation with the membership, develop and carry out a yearly plan, review and study current changes/trends in negotiating and negotiations methods, study Wolf Creek Public School Division No. 72 financial statements, study provincial and regional funding of education, conduct collective bargaining, attend meetings required by the local association structure for purposes of reporting and communicating.

7.1.5 Communication
The TWC shall: make regular submissions to the communication office for publication in the local newsletter, make presentation to parent advisory groups when appropriate, maintain member information binders which include records of communications, agendas, and meeting minutes, and which can be passed on to future TWC members, publish written communications to local council.

7.1.6 Education of TWC members
The TWC shall encourage its members to: attend Teacher Welfare Conferences, attend Teacher Welfare courses at the ATA summer conference, keep informed of all collective bargaining updates and related bulletins.

7.1.7 Executive of TWC
The executive officers of the TWC shall consist of the chair, vice-chair and secretary.
The duties of the officers, elected from and by voting members of the EPC shall be: Chair: to chair TWC meetings, represent the TWC in its relationship with the general membership and attend local council meetings as required by the local constitution. Vice-chair: to act on behalf of the chair in his/her absence. Secretary: to keep an accurate record of all TWC meetings and perform such other internal communications functions as may be assigned from time to time.

7.1.8 Committees Negotiating Subcommittee (NSC) - the NSC shall consist of three (3) voting members and one (1) alternate elected from and by the voting members of the TWC. These members shall engage in collective bargaining with authorized representatives of the board. The NSC shall select, from its members, the NSC chair. The TWC may appoint such other subcommittees as deemed necessary. A chair shall act only with the consent of a majority of the committee or subcommittee.

7.1.9 Negotiation Procedure The TWC shall request and consider suggested amendments to the collective agreement from the membership of the bargaining unit, members of the TWC and Barnett House. In addition, the TWC may propose suggested amendments to the members of the bargaining unit. A draft of the initial proposal of amendments shall be prepared and submitted to the members of the bargaining unit for discussion, amendment and approval. Subsequent to the procedures outlined above, the TWC shall prepare a final initial proposal for transmission to the board and provide members of the bargaining unit with a copy.

7.1.10 Concluding of the Agreement
The NSC shall work toward a settlement governed by one of the following conditions affecting terms of settlement: The teachers may authorize them to sign an agreement when, in their opinion, the conclusion of an agreement is warranted; or, The teachers may instruct them as to the minimum position at which settlement is authorized; or, The teachers may instruct them to report back to meetings of the teachers when they are of the opinion that further negotiations are not likely to be productive.

7.1.11 Ratification of the Collective Agreement A collective agreement shall be ratified by a simple majority of the members of the bargaining unit present at a properly called meeting of Wolf Creek voting in favour of acceptance of the proposed agreement by means of a secret ballot vote. Notwithstanding the above, the requirement for a secret ballot vote may be waived provided no member objects. Members shall register upon entry to the assembly. Ratification votes shall be conducted consistent with the following agenda:
1. Call to Order 
declaration of closed meeting of the bargaining unit 
explanation of procedures to be used during meeting (voting and other) 
2. History of Negotiations 
3. Presentation of the Issue (e.g. Board offer, memorandum, etc.) 
4. Question Period for Clarification – no debate 
5. Explanation of Future Procedures, if applicable 
6. Motion on the Issue (e.g., Motion to accept the Memorandum of Agreement) 
7. Recommendations to Membership (from TWC, NSC, etc.) 
8. Debate on Motion 
9. Vote (by secret ballot, the ballots and ballot boxes are made available at this point and only one ballot shall be accepted from each voter) 
10. Other Business (if votes on other issues are required, the procedures used shall be in accordance with items 3 to 9 above). Except where time is of the essence the text of proposed amendments to the collective agreement shall be made available in writing to the members of the bargaining unit prior to the meeting.

7.2 Professional Development (PD) Committee
7.2.1 Purpose
The professional development committee shall advocate for professional development opportunities and activities to be undertaken in the jurisdiction, which align and support teacher personal professional development goals, school-based professional development, and Provincial professional development initiatives.   The work of the committee will be undertaken in accordance with the professional development policies of the Provincial Association and the Wolf Creek Local/ATA Constitution.
7.2.2 Membership
The Professional Development Chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive.
The Professional Development Committee shall operate under the guidance of the Professional Development Chair in terms of looking at the professional development needs of the local as well as dealing with the Wolf Creek Public School Division #72 as to consolidating professional development needs, activities and opportunities The membership of this committee will vary as per the needs of the local as recognized by the Chair The duties of the chairperson shall be to chair PD committee meetings, to prepare and circulate an agenda for each meeting, to represent the PD committee in its relationship with the general membership, to provide leadership on planning, implementation and evaluation of PD programs, and to attend local council, executive and general meetings. the secretary, who shall be elected from the committee at the last committee meeting of the year, to keep accurate records of all PD meetings and to perform such other internal communications functions as may be assigned from time to time. the vice-chair who shall be elected from the committee at the last committee meeting of the year, to assist the chair in the discharge of duties. The president or designate of the local who shall serve as an ex-officio member.

7.2.3 Meetings The PD committee shall meet 2 to 8 times per year (as determined by the chair) to fulfill the objectives of this committee. Notice of meetings shall be published in the annual calendar. It is the duty of each elected member of the PD committee to attend meetings for the purposes of reporting and communicating, and, if unable to attend, to ensure that a substitute is present.

7.2.4 Objectives
The objectives of the PD committee shall be to: act in accordance with the PD policies of the provincial Association and the Wolf Creek ATA Local, build linkages between the various PD opportunities for teachers, e.g.: school-based, local institutes, conventions, in-service, specialist councils, etc., exercise leadership in all matters pertaining to all PD activities undertaken by the local, prepare a yearly financial statement and a written annual report, promote school-based PD activities, seek input and feedback from teachers and/or school staffs about PD needs and how they can be met, disseminate information about PD activities, establish procedures for the consideration for funding applications for conferences, school and school-system PD activities, consult with PD staff officers, consultants (as assigned), district representatives and members of the local, select people to attend Professional Development Area Conferences and the PD Course at summer conference, coordinate and develop local responses to issues in PD, ensure that appropriate payments are made, provide expertise and financial assistance, where possible, to school staffs and other teacher groups in the area of PD, develop and maintain a budget, establish operational policy and procedures for any subcommittee that may be formed for the PD committee, recommend changes in the policies of the school jurisdiction, collective agreement and/or the constitution of the local teachers' association which have an impact on the mandate of the PD committee, publish written reports to local council.

7.3 Liaison Committee
7.3.1 Purpose
The purpose of this committee is to act as a communication bridge between local council and the board. The concerns raised and passed by local council or executive council shall be addressed by this committee.
7.3.2 Membership
The committee shall include the president and the past president of the local and three (3) members elected from local council. The local president or designate shall serve as chairperson.
7.3.3 Meetings
The committee shall make all reasonable efforts to meet with the school board committee at least three (3) times a year. The hosting of the meeting shall alternate between local and board committees.
7.3.4 Objectives
The objectives of the committee shall be to: encourage communication between board and teachers, facilitate the planning and carrying out of events that are organized jointly by the board and the local.

7.4 Communications Officer (CO)
7.4.1 Purpose
The CO shall:
carry out a communications program with the teachers in the local and between the local and its various publics, and
obtain approval of all publications from the executive, and
coordinate efforts involving electronic communications
7.4.2 Membership
The Communications Officer chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive. The CO shall consist of one or more members of the local appointed annually by the executive.
7.4.3 Meetings
The members of this committee shall meet as necessary to fulfill the objectives of this committee.
7.4.4 Objectives
The objectives of the communications officer shall be to: maintain digital and print publishing capabilities. use a newsletter as one form of communication. undertake and distribute other written and/or electronic publications as necessary.

7.5 Public Education and Wellness Committee [Amended CSR 03/18/2013]
7.5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this committee shall be to promote public education and teachers in Alberta schools and to foster and maintain a climate that is conducive to the promotion of teachers' personal and professional wellness within our local.
7.5.2 Membership
The Public Education and Wellness committee chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive. The membership of this committee shall consist of: one representative from each school, invited representatives from central office and the board of education (non-voting, and as necessary), the chairperson who shall be elected from the committee at the last committee meeting of the year. The duties of the chairperson shall be to chair public education and wellness committee meetings, to prepare and circulate an agenda for each meeting, to represent the public education and wellness committee in its relationship with the general membership, to provide leadership on planning, implementation and evaluation of wellness programs, promote Public Education, and to attend local council, executive and general meetings. the president or designate of the local who shall serve as an ex-officio member,
7.5.3 Meetings The public education and wellness committee shall meet as often as deemed necessary, as determined by the committee, to fulfill the objectives of this committee. Notice of meetings shall be published in the annual calendar. It is the duty of each elected member of the public education and wellness committee to attend meetings for the purposes of reporting and communication.
7.5.4 Objectives
The objectives of this committee shall be to: promote, and heighten awareness of the benefits of, public education, promote professionalism, increase awareness of the benefits of public education through publications in the Wolf Creek ATA Local #3 newsletter and initiatives encourage active participation in committee activities, promote positive learning environments foster positive relationships with WCPS plan and host an annual Induction Ceremony.  The committee shall be responsible for:
compiling a list of inductees, and confirming their attendance,
determining whether a formal or informal induction format be used,
planning a program to honour the inductees,
informing the inductees of the program and sending invitations and two complimentary tickets to each inductee.  Other guests may be invited at no cost to the local. honour our retirees by: 
providing each retiree with a card, $350, a one-year membership in the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA) if a complimentary first year membership is not already offered by the ARTA, and a retirement kit (ordered from Barnett House), to be presented by the local president or designate at the retirement ceremony to honour our WCPS colleague, non-member, retirees by:
providing each retiree with a card and $50 to be presented by the local president or designate at the retirement ceremony.

7.6 Constitution and Policy Review Committee
7.6.1 Purpose
The purpose of this committee is to review and make recommendations for revisions to the constitution and the policy of the local.
7.6.2 Membership
The membership shall include the past president as chairperson and interested teachers.
7.6.3 Meetings
Meetings will be called as necessary to complete the review and revision process.

7.6.4 Objectives
The objectives of this committee shall be to: become familiar with the Members' Handbook, become familiar with local policy and constitution documents, ensure policy reflects and serves the needs of current practice, elicit recommendations for revisions from committee chairpersons, make recommendations for revisions to the membership.
7.6.5 Communication The constitution and the policy shall be made available to every teacher in the local.

7.7 Political Involvement Committee
7.7.1 Purpose
The purpose of this committee is to influence decisions affecting public education and teachers in Alberta schools.
7.7.2 Membership
The Political Involvement Committee chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive. The membership of this committee shall consist of: A person or persons responsible for fulfilling the duties and role of LPEO (Local Political Engagement Officer); and ideally one representative from each school shall be responsible for sharing pertinent information with his or her staff, The duties of the chairperson shall be to perform and carry out the duties of the LPEO, chair political involvement committee meetings, prepare and circulate an agenda for necessary meetings called, represent the committee in its relationship with the general membership, and to attend local council, executive, and general meetings. the president or designate of the local who shall serve as an ex-officio member.
7.7.3 Meetings The political involvement committee/LPEO shall meet as often as deemed necessary, as determined by the LPEO/committee, to fulfill the objectives of this committee. Notice of meetings shall be published in the annual calendar. It is the duty of each member of the political involvement committee to attend or be responsible for information presented at any meetings for the purposes of reporting and communication to their colleagues
7.7.4 Objectives
The objectives shall be to: promote an awareness in and involvement among teachers concerning the Local Association and Provincial political scenes; provide opportunities for involvement among teachers in the Local and Provincial political scenes; make recommendations regarding appropriate political activities to the Executive Committee and the Council of School Representatives; execute political activities approved by the Executive Committee or the Council of School Representatives

7.8 Substitute Teacher Committee (STC)
7.8.1 Purpose
The substitute teacher committee shall advance the professional skills and knowledge unique to substitute teaching and shall advance within the local the special interests of substitute teachers.
7.8.2 Membership
The Substitute Teacher Committee chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive. The membership of this committee shall consist of: teachers who have substituted in the local for at least one day during the previous twelve-month period, The duties of the chairperson shall be to chair substitute teacher committee meetings, to prepare and circulate an agenda for each meeting, to represent the committee in its relationship with the general membership, to provide leadership on planning, implementation and evaluation of substitute teacher programs, and to attend local council, executive and general meetings. the secretary shall be elected from the committee to keep accurate records of all committee meetings and to perform such other internal communications functions as may be assigned from time to time. the president or designate of the local who shall serve as an ex-officio member.
7.8.3 Meetings The members of this committee shall meet as often as deemed necessary, as determined by the committee, to fulfill the objectives of this committee.
7.8.4 Objectives
The objectives of the committee shall be to: promote professionalism and increase the awareness of the Code of Professional Conduct, increase awareness of professional development opportunities and responsibilities, heighten the awareness of substitute teacher needs, improve the working conditions of substitute teachers, and represent this committee on all local committees.

7.9 Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) Committee
7.9.1 Purpose
The purpose of this committee shall be to review ATA policy and represent the local at ARA.
7.9.2 Membership
The president, vice president and past president and additional elected members as per numbers determined by the ATA formula who are elected at the spring general meeting shall constitute this committee. The past president shall chair this committee.
7.9.3 Meetings ARA meetings are held prior to ATA deadlines for submission of resolutions, voting on electoral ballots, to review proposed ARA budgets, to vote on blocking of resolutions and to attend the Annual Representative Assembly. To prepare for attendance of emergent assemblies. 
7.9.4 Objectives
The objectives shall be to: become familiar with all current directives, long range policy, position papers, bylaws and administrative procedures of the association as found in the Members' Handbook, elicit policy resolutions, elicit proposed amendments to the bylaws, represent the local at all Representative Assemblies of the Alberta Teachers' Association, attend meetings of local council, attend general meetings of the local.

7.10 Nominations Committee
7.10.1 Purpose
To prepare a slate of candidates for elected positions of the local.
7.10.2 Membership
The past president of the local shall act as chair of this committee.
7.10.3 Objectives
To identify qualified and willing candidates to stand for election of executive positions in the local.
7.10.4 Communication To bring forth the slate of candidates for elected positions of the local council. To advertise positions.

7.11 The Diversity Equity and Human Rights (DEHR) Committee
7.11.1 Purpose
The Diversity Equity and Human Rights Committee shall operate under the guidance of the Diversity Equity and Human Rights Chair in terms of looking at the professional development and learning needs of the local as well as collaborating with the Wolf Creek School Division as it relates to information, activities and opportunities around diversity, equity, and human rights for our members and students.
7.11.2 Membership
The Diversity Equity and Human Rights (DEHR) Chair shall be appointed annually by the Local executive. The membership of this committee will vary as per the needs of the local as recognized by the Chair. The duties of the chairperson shall be to chair DEHR committee meetings, to prepare and circulate an agenda for each meeting, to represent the DEHR committee in its relationship with the general membership, to provide leadership on planning, implementation and evaluation of DEHR programs, and to attend local council, executive and general meetings. The secretary, who shall be elected from the committee at the last committee meeting of the year, to keep accurate records of all DEHR meetings and to perform such other internal communications functions as may be assigned from time to time. The vice-chair who shall be elected from the committee at the last committee meeting of the year, to assist the chair in the discharge of duties. The president or designate of the local who shall serve as an ex-officio member.
7.12 Meetings
7.12.1 The DEHR committee shall meet 2 to 8 times per year (as determined by the chair) to fulfill the objectives of this committee.
7.12.2 Notice of meetings shall be published in the annual calendar.
7.12.3 It is the duty of each elected member of the DEHR committee to attend meetings for the purposes of reporting and communicating, and, if unable to attend, to ensure that a substitute is present.
7.13 Objectives
The objectives of the DEHR committee shall be to:
7.13.1 act in accordance with the policies of the provincial Association and the Wolf Creek ATA Local,
7.13.2 build linkages between the various DEHR opportunities for members, e.g.: school-based, local institutes, workshops, speakers, etc.,
7.13.3 exercise leadership in all matters pertaining to all DEHR activities undertaken by the local,
7.13.4 promote school based DEHR activities,
7.13.5 seek input and feedback from teachers and/or school staffs about DEHR needs and how they can be met,
7.13.6 disseminate information about DEHR activities,
7.13.7 establish procedures for the consideration for funding applications for conferences, school and school-system activities,
7.13.8 consult with DEHR staff officers, consultants (as assigned), district representatives and members of the local,
7.13.9 recommend people to attend DEHR conference and the PD Course at summer conference,
7.13.10 coordinate and develop local responses to issues in Diversity, Equity and Human Rights,
7.13.11 provide expertise and financial assistance, where possible, to school staffs and other teacher groups in the area of DEHR,
7.13.12 develop and maintain a budget,
7.13.13 establish operational policy and procedures for any subcommittee that may be formed from the DEHR committee,
7.13.14 recommend changes in the policies of the school jurisdiction, collective agreement and/or the constitution of the local teachers' association which have an impact on the mandate of the DEHR committee,
7.13.15 publish written reports to local council.

(new to this document previously approved by CSR and AGM)
7.14 Women in Leadership Committee (WIL)
7.14.1 Preamble
This committee shall be called the Wolf Creek Teachers’ ATA Local #3 Women in Leadership committee, hereafter referred to as the WIL committee.
7.14.2 Purpose
It shall work to advance the interests of women in leadership within the Alberta Teachers Association (the Association) and/or the school division on behalf of the teachers who are members of the Wolf Creek Teachers’ ATA Local #3.
7.14.3 Membership
The WIL committee shall consist of: All interested Wolf Creek Local #3 teachers. The district representative(s). They shall be non-voting members of the WIL committee. The president of the Local or appointee acting in an ex officio capacity.
7.14.4 Election of the WIL Committee If necessary, in the future, members of the WIL committee shall be elected on the basis of a system having due regard for the principle of representation by population. For example [these models are commonly used]:
–two from each of Divisions I, II, III and IV plus three elected at large or seven elected at large or one from each school sized x, two from each school sized 2x and one from the remaining (small) schools
–one who holds the designation of administrator
–one who is a substitute teacher. In the first years of this committee all interested teachers of the Wolf Creek Local #3 can be a member of the WIL Committee.  
7.14.5 Executive
The executive officers of the WIL committee shall consist of the chair/co-chairs and secretary.
7.14.6 Executive Duties The officers, elected from and by voting members of the WIL committee shall: chair WIL committee meetings, represent the WIL committee in its relationship with the general membership, attend Local Council meetings and make such reports as required by the Local constitution. secretary – keep an accurate record of all WIL committee meetings and perform such other internal communications functions as may be assigned from time to time.
7.14.7 Term of Office
All WIL committee members, officers and committees are deemed to be elected for a term of 2 years.
7.14.8 Emergency Replacements
Vacancies in any office or subcommittee shall be filled at the next properly called meeting of the WIL committee.
7.14.9 Meetings Meetings of the WIL committee shall be called by the chair of the WIL committee on the chair’s initiative or at the request of: a majority of the WIL executive a majority of voting members of the WIL committee the president of the Local Quorum
A majority of the voting representatives on the WIL committee shall constitute a quorum.
7.14.10 Rules of Procedure
The proceedings of all meetings shall be regulated by the official rules of procedure as published in the ATA Members’ Handbook, except that the chair shall have the full rights to debate and vote as accorded to all other members.
7.14.11 Objectives
The WIL committee shall exist for the following reasons: To review Local Association structures and practices to identify opportunities to promote and enhance gender equality and women’s participation in all aspects of a member’s employment and Association life. To study, monitor and advise Local Council on matters affecting women in/into leadership within public education in Alberta and make recommendations for coordinating the work of the Association related to women in/into leadership. To review annually relevant Local Association policy and to submit recommendations to the Local Resolutions Committee, as appropriate; to recommend to Local Council on new policy, as required. To undertake research within budgetary limits. To constitute subcommittees as needed for the purpose of carrying out its mandate. To prepare and submit directly to the Resolutions Committee any reports on relevant resolutions referred to Council by the Annual Representative Assembly. To provide opportunities for networking and support for women in leadership. To cooperate with the Provincial Women in Leadership committee to advance the cause of and information about women in educational leadership.
7.14.12 Finances
The WIL committee shall prepare and submit to the Local an annual budget.

8. Roles and Responsibilities of School Representatives
The local council shall be responsible to further the objects of the Alberta Teachers' Association as set out in the Teaching Profession Act and the ATA General bylaws by promoting the cause of public education and improving the teaching profession.
School representatives to local council are responsible to attend all local council and general meetings and to report on activities of the local association to teachers in their schools. If they are unable to attend a meeting, they are to find someone to represent their school.

8.1 Communication
The local representative is to:
8.1.1 serve as a communications facilitator between teachers and the Local 
8.1.2 convey information on teacher concerns to the Local ATA President or to Local Council
8.1.3 serve as the primary Association contact within the school,
8.1.4 encourage the use of Association services (refer to ATA Directory and Members Handbook),
8.1.5 facilitate the integration of new teachers in the school by assisting them with procedures and in accessing information, through invitation to attend local council meetings.
8.1.6 participate in developing and executing initiatives around specific issues: Public Education initiatives in the school, Education Week, and World Teachers' Day celebrations,
8.2 Information
The local representative is to:
8.2.1 familiarize themself with the structure and contents of the ATA Members' Handbook and Orientation Handbook,
8.2.2 distribute ATA publications to teachers,
8.2.3 discuss items from the ATA mailing with teachers at a staff meeting
8.2.4 on an ATA bulletin board, post conference information, elections, etc.,
8.2.5 inform professional replacement teachers of the availability of The ATA News and The ATA Magazine,
8.2.6 ensure the appropriate information included in the school mailings are made available to teachers,
8.2.7 provide information to members as to services available through the ATA and channel requests for these services to the proper Local Association or Provincial Association officials.
8.3 Convention Board Representatives
Members of the Council of School Representatives (CSR), as a group, will participate in the election process for the purpose of nominating and electing the required number of Convention Board Representatives to represent Wolf Creek Local #3 at CATCA (Central Alberta Teachers Convention Association)

Technology Policy
1. The work of the ATA Local requires people to have the necessary tools. Wolf Creek Local #3 Executive members have significant need for the use of a computer to effectively do their work. These officers, who have a personal computer and wish to use it, are eligible for expense claims to the Local.  With regard to the Executive positions, expenses for the use of one’s own computer (to cover the costs of required supplies, and/or repairs) will be reimbursed upon the submission of receipt/s.

2. All executive members and committee chairs have a need for a computer to do the work of the Local. Each will be supplied with a computer, and necessary software, as per the procedure to purchase established in #5.

3. All executive members and committee chairs have substantial need for reliable, internet access to do their work.  As such, Wolf Creek Local #3 will reimburse their monthly Internet access fees up to $50 per month (requires the submission of receipts).

4. The President has a significant need for a smartphone; and requires the ability to be available on a secure line/bandwidth and to communicate via a secure line/bandwidth throughout the day.  They may submit an additional expense claim for their smartphone, and use, on a cost recovery basis (requires the submission of receipts).

5. If a new computer/smartphone need to be purchased, a motion to purchase shall be made along with an estimate of cost. This estimate is to be presented by the officer. For a computer/smartphone purchased by the Local:
i. Copies of all applicable receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer and kept on record until the asset is disposed of.
ii. The value of the computer/smartphone, and accessories, will depreciate 1/3 of original cost per year (1/3 of original cost ÷12 per month)
iii. purchasing supplies and repairs will be the responsibility of the member.
iv. costs of supplies and repairs will be reimbursed by the Local (requires the submission of receipts).
v. when the executive deems the computer to be surplus or obsolete, by either passed motion or after 3 years of service and hence full depreciation, the current user has the first option of purchasing/acquiring the computer from the Local or dispose of in a judicious manner as approved by the executive. The computer must be wiped of all data before being disposed of.