Constitution of Wolf Creek Local Association No 3 of The Alberta
Teachers’ Association
(Updated April, 2024)

The name of this local shall be Wolf Creek Local No 3 of the Alberta Teachers’
Association (the Association or the ATA).

2. Boundaries
The area served by this local shall include the Wolf Creek School Division.

3. Membership
3.1 All active members of the Association employed by the Wolf Creek School
Division are members of this local.
3.2 Subject to approval by the Provincial Executive Council of the Alberta Teachers’
Association, associate members of the Association who hold the highest category of
membership available to them and who pay the prescribed local association fee may
become members of this local association with all rights and privileges of active

4. Objects
The objects of this local association shall be to further the objects of the Association as set
out in section 4 of the Teaching Profession Act and the General Bylaws of the Association.

5. Fees
This local association shall have the power, subject to approval of the Provincial Executive
Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, to levy fees for membership in this local
association such as are determined from time to time in a general meeting of the local
association. Such fees shall be additional to the fees prescribed by the Annual
Representative Assembly (ARA).

6. Rules of Procedure
The proceedings of all meetings shall be regulated by the official Rules of Order and
Procedure for the Association, as published in the Members’ Handbook.
6.1 Officers of the Association and the district representative(s) of whose geographic
district this local association forms a part shall be entitled to attend all meetings of
the local association and any other meetings of local committees, including those
portions of any meetings declared to be in camera.

7. Organization
The governing body of this local shall be a general meeting of its members, 10 per cent of
whom shall constitute a quorum. The majority of those present shall govern decisions of
the meeting.
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 2
7.1 In the event that a quorum is not obtained at a duly called general meeting, the
general meeting may be adjourned to a later date or the business of the general
meeting shall be conducted at the next local council meeting.
7.2 In the event that the business of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is referred to a
local council meeting, that local council meeting shall have the authority to deal
with such business as though it were a general assembly.
7.3 A general meeting of this local shall be held at least once a year to hear reports and
deal with same, hold elections, approve and set policy, and deal with such other
matters as may arise.

8. Local Council

8.1 There shall be constituted a local council of this local consisting of
(a) all members of the executive committee;
(b) school staff representatives elected prior to the first local council meeting by
each school staff according to the following schedule:
i. one representative for each school with 1 to 20 teachers;
ii. two representatives for schools with over 20 teachers;
(c) chair of the substitute teachers’ group;
(d) chairs of ad hoc committees, standing committees if not members of the
executive committee, or school representatives;
(e) ARA delegates;
(f) one representative of the administrators’ association; and
(g) one representative for central office teachers.
8.2 A majority of those voting shall govern the decisions of the local council unless
rules and regulations otherwise decree.
8.3 Other members of this local may attend local council meetings and may speak with
the approval of the chair but may not vote.
8.4 Sixty per cent of its members shall be considered as a quorum of the local council.
8.5 The duties of the local council shall be
(a) to administer the affairs of the local association, including adoption of an
audited annual financial statement and presentation of an annual budget at a
general meeting;
(b) to appoint all ad hoc committees as may be necessary from time to time;
(c) to develop and approve adequate terms of reference for each of its committees;
(d) to elect or appoint representatives to the joint health and safety committee;
(e) to hear reports from committees and decide on action to be taken; and
(f) to deal with other matters not inconsistent with this constitution or the General
Bylaws of the Association.
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 3
8.6 The local council shall meet a minimum of six times in any one school year.

9. Executive Committee
9.1 The executive committee of this local shall consist of the president, vice-president,
past president, secretary, treasurer, communications officer and chairs of standing
9.2 The duties of the executive committee shall be
(a) to appoint a communications officer;
(b) to develop a template to outline the annual business of the local;
(c) to exercise general supervision of the affairs of the Association;
(d) to prepare and transmit to the head office of the Association such reports and
statements with reference to the affairs of the local association as may be
required by the Provincial Executive Council of the Alberta Teachers’
(e) to ensure that all Association monies are used to further the objects of the
Association as set out in the Teaching Profession Act;
(f) to assume the function of the local council, when time is of the essence;
(g) to attend and report to all meetings of the local council; and
(h) to liaison with all employer boards.
9.3 Any member of the executive, standing, special, or ad hoc committees missing two
meetings within a single year without reason communicated to the president or
committee chair may be replaced by executive committee.
9.4 Any member removed as per section 9.3 is ineligible to be nominated for or sit on
any local committee for a period of one full year.
9.5 The executive committee shall meet as often as business requires.

10. Notice of Meetings
10.1 Notices of intent to hold a general, local council, executive or committee meeting
shall be provided to an authorized representative at each school or worksite and the
district representative(s) by the secretary at least seven days before such a meeting
is to be held, and such notices shall include an outline or agenda of business to be
discussed. Any general meeting made up of 10 percent of the members of the local
may, by a two-thirds majority vote of the total members present at the meeting,
waive notice of a meeting or of any motion brought before the meeting.
10.2 Meetings of the local association or any bargaining unit within the local shall be
called by
(a) the president;
(b) on the request of the executive committee;
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 4
(c) at the request of the local council;
(d) on the written request of 10 members of the local;
(e) at the request of the chair of the teacher welfare committee or the chair of the
negotiating subcommittee;
(f) on the written request of an officer of the Association; or
(g) at the request of the district representative of the local of whose district this
forms a part.
10.3 A record shall be kept of all those attending general, local council, executive and
committee meetings.
10.4 An ATA officer shall not vote. A district representative shall not vote except at a
general meeting of a local of which the representative is a member.

11. Duties of Officers
11.1 President—The duties of the president shall be
(a) to serve as chief executive officer of the local;
(b) to call and preside at the general, local council and executive committee
meetings of this local association;
(c) to exercise general supervision over the affairs of this local association;
(d) to be an ex officio member on all committees; and
(e) to serve as a representative to representative assemblies.
11.2 Vice-president—The duties of the vice-president shall be
(a) to assist the president in the discharge of the president’s duties;
(b) to take charge of the affairs of this local association in the absence of the
president; and
(c) to serve as a representative to all representative assemblies.
11.3 Past president—The duties of the past president shall be
(a) to act as advisor to the president;
(b) to act as chair of the nominating committee;
(c) to act as chair of the local constitution committee and policy review
(d) to act as chair of the local ARA committee; and
(e) to serve as a representative of all representative assemblies.
11.4 Secretary—The duties of the secretary shall be
(a) to keep accurate records of all proceedings of this local association;
(b) to bring before the executive committee of this local association all
communications received by the local;
(c) to prepare and send to the head office of the Association such statements and
reports as may be required from time to time;
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 5
(d) to prepare an agenda for business of all local council, executive and general
meetings in consultation with the president;
(e) to prepare and send notices calling all local council, executive and general
meetings; and
(f) to keep a ratified copy of the local constitution and policy with the minutes.
11.5 Treasurer—The duties of the treasurer shall be
(a) to keep accurate records and present reports of all monies received and
collected and to take charge of same;
(b) to make the necessary disbursement of the funds of this local;
(c) to prepare a financial statement for audit purposes; and
(d) to prepare, at the direction of the executive committee, an annual budget for
the local.
11.6 School Representatives—The duties of the school representatives shall be
(a) to represent their staffs at council meetings;
(b) to report on the activities of the local council to their school staffs and such
other duties as are requested by the local council or the Association; and
(c) to support and facilitate communication for central and local bargaining by
ensuring that they report information, which is specific to local and central
bargaining, to teachers on staff and further, to report teacher questions and
concerns related to bargaining to local council meetings.
11.7 ARA Representatives—The duties of ARA representatives shall be
(a) to represent this local association at all representative assemblies;
(b) to report the proceedings of all representative assemblies to local council;
(c) to attend meetings of local council; and
(d) to be members of the resolutions committee.
11.8 Communications Officer—The duties of the communications officer shall be
(a) to carry out a communications program with the teachers in the local and
between the local and its various publics, and
(b) to obtain approval of all publications from the executive.

12. Committees
The committees of this local shall include:
12.1 Teacher welfare committee (TWC)— The teacher welfare committee shall operate
under a frame of reference approved by the local council and subject to ratification
by the Provincial Executive Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. An
amendment procedure shall be specified in the frame of reference. The Wolf Creek
TWC shall prepare for and oversee negotiations and oversee the enforcement of the
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 6
collective agreement on behalf of the teachers who are employed by the Wolf Creek
School Division.
12.2 Professional development (PD) committee—This committee shall promote high
standards of teaching practice and professional development in the local, in order to
enhance the quality of education for students.
12.3 Liaison committee—This committee shall voice concerns of this local to a
committee of the school board and central office.
12.4 Communications officer—This committee shall raise the awareness of educational
issues to teachers and all publics of this local.
12.5 Wellness and public education committee—This committee shall foster and
maintain a climate that is conducive to the promotion of teachers’ personal and
professional wellness within the local.
12.6 Constitution committee—This committee shall meet to review and revise the
constitution and policies of this local.
12.7 Political involvement committee—This committee shall influence decisions
affecting public education and teachers.
12.8 Annual representative assembly committee—This committee shall review
Association policy and may propose resolutions for consideration at ARA.
12.9 Substitute teachers committee—This committee shall advance the professional
skills and knowledge unique to substitute teaching and shall advance within the
local the special interests of substitute teachers.
12.10 Nominations committee—This committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for
elected positions in the local.
12.11 Women in leadership committee—This committee shall work to advance the
interests of women in leadership
12.12 Diversity equity and human rights committee—This committee shall work to
advance the professional development and learning needs of the local as it relates to
information, activities and opportunities around diversity, equity, and human rights
for our members and students.
12.13 Such other committees as the local may appoint from time to time and as outlined in
the policy statements.
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 7

13. Elections
13.1 The officers: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and ARA delegates shall
be elected annually by vote of the members of this local association not later than
June 1 of each school year. The local shall elect its teacher welfare committee
members as required.
13.2 A vacancy on the executive committee occurring between annual elections shall be
filled by election of a member of this local association by local council.
13.3 Should one or more of the local ARA representatives be unable to fulfil the term of
office, replacements shall be elected by the local council.

14. Human Rights Statement
14.1 The following Human Rights statement is required to be read aloud and/or
distributed electronically and/or provided in print at the outset of all Association
meetings, events and activities.
As an organization that promotes and is committed to respecting
human rights and ensuring a safe, secure, and healthy environment for
all, the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) works to ensure that all
present at or participating in ATA programs and events are protected
from violence and harassment.
All ATA members are therefore expected to promote and defend the
fundamental human rights of everyone engaged in ATA programs,
activities, or other ATA work. ATA members are expected to treat one
another with fairness, respect, and dignity and to uphold the highest
standards of professionalism, accountability, competence and integrity
as representatives of the provincial Association as well as their
respective locals and subgroups.
Furthermore, ATA members are obliged to act to prevent violence and
harassment wherever possible and report to the appropriate person in
authority any suspected breaches of this statement that come to their
14.2 An appropriate person at each subgroup meeting will be identified as an authority to
receive complaints. Typically, this will be a district representative, staff officer or
local official.
14.3 The Association president and the presidents of locals, specialist councils and
convention associations or persons designated by the presidents, are authorized to
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 8
warn, reprimand and/or remove from a meeting, event, activity, or representative
role any participant whom they reasonably believe to be in breach of the statement.
14.4 Any further investigation or measures would be undertaken in accordance with
other existing policies and procedures and processes.

15. Provincial Association Intervention
15.1 In this section
(a) investigated local officer means a local officer whose conduct is under
investigation pursuant to subsection 2;
(b) investigator is the individual appointed by the table officers pursuant to
subsection 2;
(c) local officer means the president, vice-president, past president or secretarytreasurer (or secretary or treasurer) of a local association or any other officer
appointed or elected by a local association;
(d) Provincial Executive Council means the executive council as defined in
section 11 of the Teaching Profession Act;
(e) table officers means the Association’s officers as defined in Bylaw 37;
(f) executive secretary means the chief executive officer of the Association or a
person designated by the executive secretary; and
(g) executive staff officer means a member of executive staff designated by the
executive secretary.
Suspension or Removal from Office of Local Officers
15.2 Where the table officers have or receive information which leads them to believe
that a local officer
(a) has neglected his or her duties to the extent that the proper operation of the
local association is being negatively affected,
(b) is mentally incapacitated,
(c) is engaging in corrupt practices,
(d) is engaging in financial malpractice, or
(e) has undertaken activities inconsistent with the principles and policies of the
the table officers may initiate an investigation into the conduct of the local officer
by appointing an individual to conduct an investigation and to provide a written
report to the table officers within a specified time with respect to the results of the
15.3 In the course of the intervention under section 15, an investigated local officer is
entitled to have access to a staff officer for advice.
15.4 The table officers may, taking into account the nature of the alleged conduct, the
urgency of the matter in question and any submission from the investigated local
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 9
officer, suspend an investigated local officer from office pending the completion of
the investigation and may terminate the suspension at any time if the table officers
conclude that the suspension is no longer warranted.
15.5 The table officers may appoint another individual to assume the duties of the
investigated local officer during the period of the suspension.
15.6 The investigated local officer may appeal a suspension from office under
subsection 4 to the Provincial Executive Council by filing a notice of appeal with
the executive secretary within 30 days of being notified of the suspension.
15.7 If an investigated local officer appeals his or her suspension, Provincial Executive
Council shall, as soon as practicable, consider representations of the table officers
and the investigated local officer and shall determine if the suspension should be
continued pending the conclusion of the investigation or should be set aside.
15.8 During the investigation the investigated local officer shall be provided with an
opportunity to provide a response to the investigator with respect to the concerns
about the investigated local officer’s conduct.
15.9 An investigated local officer may, in the course of the investigation, submit his or
her resignation to the executive secretary.
15.10 Where an investigated local officer resigns in accordance with subsection 9, the
investigation shall be continued with the cooperation of the investigated local
officer, and the resignation does not extinguish any liability that the investigated
local officer may have with respect to acts which occurred during the period the
office was held.
15.11 The investigated local officer has a duty to cooperate during the investigation and
the investigator may direct the investigated local officer or any other member of the
Association to
(a) answer any inquiries the investigator may have relating to the investigation;
(b) produce any records or other property in the investigated local officer’s
possession or under his or her control that are or may be related in any way to
the investigation;
(c) give up possession of any record for the purpose of allowing the investigator
to make a copy and return the records within a reasonable time of receiving
the records; and
(d) attend before the investigator for the purpose of complying with (a), (b) or (c)
of this subsection.
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 10
15.12 In the event that the investigated local officer fails or refuses to cooperate with the
investigator, the failure to do so shall be noted by the investigator in his or her
report to the table officers.
15.13 Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator shall submit a written report
to the table officers and a copy of the written report shall be provided to the
investigated local officer.
15.14 The table officers, upon consideration of the report of the investigator, may make
one or more of the following orders:
(a) remove the investigated local officer from office;
(b) restrict the investigated local officer’s eligibility for office in the future;
(c) if the investigated local officer was suspended during the investigation,
reinstate the investigated local officer to office and impose any conditions or
restrictions that the table officers consider appropriate in the circumstances;
and shall advise the investigated local officer and Provincial Executive Council of
their decision.
15.15 If the table officers remove the investigated local officer from office, then the table
officers may appoint another individual to assume the duties of the investigated
local officer until a new local officer is elected or appointed to the position in
accordance with this constitution.
15.16 The investigated local officer may appeal the decision of the table officers under
subsection 14 by filing a notice of appeal with the executive secretary within 30
days after being notified of the decision.
15.17 If an investigated local officer appeals the decision of the table officers, Provincial
Executive Council shall, as soon as practicable, consider representations of the table
officers and the investigated local officer and shall determine if the decision of the
table officers shall be confirmed, varied, or set aside.
15.18 In an appeal under subsection 7 or 17, the table officers may make submissions to
Provincial Executive Council respecting the outcome of the appeal.
Official Trustee
15.19 Subject to a two-thirds majority vote, Provincial Executive Council may appoint an
official trustee to conduct the affairs of the local, subject to any terms and
conditions the Provincial Executive Council considers necessary:
(a) when a local council fails to comply with the requirements of section 8.5;
(b) when the Provincial Executive Council considers it in the interests of the
Association to do so.
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 11
15.20 The local may appeal the appointment of an official trustee to a representative
15.21 An official trustee appointed under subsection 19 has the powers and duties
conferred by the General Bylaws on a local and conferred by this constitution.
15.22 On appointment of an official trustee to the local association, the officers of the
local cease to hold office as officers of the local.
15.23 An official trustee continues in office until Provincial Executive Council, or a
representative assembly determines that the official trusteeship is no longer

16. Governance Emergency
In the event that Provincial Executive Council declares a governance emergency to be in
effect, directives issued by Provincial Executive Council under that declaration shall
supersede any other provision in this constitution or any related policy or regulation and
shall be binding as if the directives formed part of this constitution or any related policy or
For the duration of the governance emergency and for a period of forty (40) operational
school days thereafter, Provincial Executive Council directs
16.1 that the local may, by a majority vote of its executive committee, extend the terms
of office of elected office holders for a duration and subject to conditions acceptable
to table officers committee of the Association,
16.2 that the local may, by a majority vote of its executive, extend the terms of appointed
office holders, committee members and local delegates to representative assemblies
of the Association that would otherwise end during the period of the emergency for
a period of time not to exceed what would have been their normal term had the
office been filled conventionally, during the period of the emergency,
16.3 that, should a vacancy occur in an elected or appointed office or on a committee, the
local may, by a majority vote of its executive committee, appoint a member to fill
the vacancy to the expiry of its normal term, and
16.4 that, absent other relevant provisions in the local constitution or policy, the local
may, by a majority vote of its executive committee, authorize meetings and votes
(including meetings and votes of the executive committee) that would otherwise be
conducted by conventional means at meetings with persons in attendance, to be
conducted by mail-out ballots, on-line conferencing, telephone or other means.
Wolf Creek Local No 3 Constitution, p 12
16.5 That, for the period of the emergency, the executive committee of the local may
exercise the authority of a general meeting of the local.
16.6 That, without restricting the general application of subsection 5, the executive
committee of the local may, by majority vote, set a local budget, allocate funds,
authorize expenditures and make application to Provincial Executive Council for
changes in the local levy for the duration of the emergency.

17. General
17.1 The financial year of this local shall be July 1 to June 30.
17.2 This local association shall reimburse members acting on its behalf for all
authorized out-of-pocket expenses.
17.3 This local association shall pay all expenses determined and authorized by the local
17.4 Amendment to this constitution may be made after a two-month notice of motion
and recommendation of the executive committee and/or the local council by a twothirds majority vote at a general meeting of this local association and subject to
ratification by the Provincial Executive Council of the Alberta Teachers’


Ratified by Provincial Executive Council 1994 12 03; 1996 01 08
Amendments ratified by TOC on behalf of PEC 2022 11 21
Revised as per PEC requirements, 2011 02 04
Revised as per 2012 06 14–15 PEC requirements;
Revised as per 2017 06 08–09 PEC requirements;
Revised as per 2018 02 26–27 PEC requirements;
Revised as per 2020 05 10 PEC requirements
Revised as per 2023 09 14–15 PEC requirements